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November 06, 2006



so let me see if i got this straight: you're suggesting that a could reject "If God said S, then God said something"--but could still count among the ranks of the rational? pardon my prejudice, but i don't see any overwhelming pressure on the bayesian to admit a to the rationality club, regardless of what additional wacky intuitions a has. am i missing the point?


Hi Jeff!

Sure, a completely rational agent could think that indicative conditionals, like "If God said S, then God said something", lack truth-value. There are some philosophers I can think of who think that. And not that I'm tempted to accept the view, but what's irrational about it?

But if the case bothers you, you can instantiate E and H to some other propositions such that H doesn't follow logically from E (and yet, it's reasonable to believe that H if one believes that E, given that one doesn't believe (S)).

Am I missing your point?

(I hope you're doing fantastically, by the way! And keep me in the loop about the gunk theorems . . .)

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