I've got a bunch of coursework to finish up within the next week, I need to get ready for a trip to the west coast I'm taking over break, and I need to start moving into a new apartment. Clearly, the best thing for me to do is procrastinate, and respond to the following 7 questions:
1. Seven things to do before I die
Buy groceries. Do laundry. Finish my Ethics paper. Organise the stuff on my desk. Get tickets for west coast trip. Return Marie's bowl. Study Metaphysics for about 50 years.
2. Seven things I cannot do
Travel back in time. Resist quantification or use/mention jokes. Meet David Lewis. Cook. See the numbers. Stop worrying about the ambiguity of 'cannot'. Be (wholly) in two places at the same time.
3. Seven things that attract me to my spouse/best friend
Re: my friends - They're smart. They're interesting. They're funny. They're patient. They're quirky. They're kind. They're actual.
4. Seven things I say most often
"a", "the", "or", "and", "so", "of", "is".
5. Seven books I love
The Bible; The dictionary; Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Blithedale Romance (not a romance); Hud Hudson's A Materialist Metaphysics of the Human Person; Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason; David Lewis' On The Plurality of Worlds; Derek Parfit's Reasons and Persons.
6. Seven movies I would watch over and over if I had the time
Amelie; The Blues Brothers; The Day After Tomorrow; The Good, The Bad and The Ugly; The Hours; Twister; Xanadu.
7. Seven people I want to join in, too
There are more than seven people I'd like to list, so I'll refrain from listing any. (Hm, there's an underlying principle there that, if applied to the preceding questions as well, would have saved me some time . . .)
No you xanadidn't.
I'm glad to see that you needed a distraction. Good luck wrapping up the semester.
Posted by: Clayton | December 11, 2005 at 10:55 PM